Thursday, May 30, 2013

Marching Onward... and Checking In!

Hi friends, just taking a moment to check in and say I'm still here!  Crazy busy, but still here!

February to June is my super busy season, as I'm sure it is for many other dance teachers and studio owners as we prep for our annual recital, register for summer classes and work on next season's schedule!

Haven't had as much time to write down thoughts and new music finds, but I wanted to share a funny story from my beginning ballet class.  They are first and second graders and always surprise me, but one caught me off guard!

We were at ballet barre about to work on tendus...

Miss Cait (that's me): "Now what do we need to remember about tendus?  Sophie?"

Sophie: "Straight legs!"

MC: "That's right, what else, Julia?"

Julia: "Make them sticky!" (see more about that here)

MC: "Yes definitely... ok, anything else, Morgan?"

Morgan (just as brightly and matter-of-factly as the other responses): "My fish died!"

MC: "Oh.. well... I'm very sorry to hear that - what was your fish's name?"

Morgan: "Swishy"

MC: "Well..." (scrambling for the appropriate response)

Sophie: "I know!  We can have a funeral for Swishy!"

MC: "I don't know..."

Julia: "It's perfect 'cause we're all dressed up for a funeral - we're all wearing black!" (we wear black and pink)

MC: "Ok then, let's dedicate tendues to Swishy"

Kids: "Swishy, this is for you."

So that's how we ended up dedicating part of our ballet barre to Swishy the fish!

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