Monday, February 24, 2014

NMM: The Piano Guys - Let It Go / Vivaldi's Winter

Happy Monday! Here is a beautiful classical music mash-up of from The Piano Guys, mixing Vivaldi's Winter and Disney's Frozen "Let It Go" to start your week off right:

 Download the track from iTunes

  The Dance Buzz is an iTunes affiliate.

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Winter Olympics-Inspired Movement

While my studio is in the process of getting buried under a foot of snow, I figured I would spend my surprise free time planning some olympics-inspired creative movement for tomorrow's classes.

Pass The Torch - Traveling

You could pass an imaginary torch or a "real" prop (as simple as an orange scarf).  Have your dancers spread out around the room.  When the dancer has the "torch", them must dance the torch to the next person and then sit down to indicate they already had a turn.  The final dancer brings the torch to the designated "torch lighting station" (could be teacher, or spot in the room).

Pass The Torch - Stationary

Spread out in a line or a circle close enough to touch another person's out stretched hand.  Begin to pass the torch using different levels and different body parts until it reaches the end.  If you are using a prop, see how far the class can pass it without dropping.

The Slowest Bobsled Race Ever Won

Connect your dancers into teams of 2, 3 or 4 dancers and have them sit one in front of each other in a straddle (like a caterpiller).  Have them hold onto each other at the shoulders or hips so that they are connected.

The goal is to move as a unit over a certain distance (we used tape lines about 5-6 feet apart).  Give them time to practice--they will learn quickly they have to work as a team to move without becoming disconnected!

Line up your "bobsleds" and the first group to completely cross the finish wins.  Disqualify any team that separates.

Variations:  Try a whole-class bobsled!  Or backwards or sideways bobsled race!

Ice & Snow Improv

Adapt usual creative movement exercises to be set at the olympics.

Suggested Musical Tracks

Have you been watching the olympics?  Have you done any lessons based on the olympics?  Is anyone else ready for spring?!

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Warm-up & Work Out Playlist

warm up work out playlist
I love starting class with cardio-inspired workouts to get the blood moving before we move into larger movements.

Here are some songs that my dancers love "working out" to! (links open in iTunes)

Pop Music

Indie Music

A Few Others

The Dance Buzz is an iTunes affiliate.
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