Friday, December 10, 2010

Top Dance Blogs of 2010 - We need your vote!

Hello all!  Exciting news!
I'm throwing The Dance Buzz into the ring of contenders for the Dance Advantage's Top Blogs of 2010 contest.  We are entering the "Dance Education/Training" category.

To vote for The Dance Buzz, you simply have to comment on this post.  Couldn't get simpler.  The blogs with the most comments get named Top Blog. 

Since this blog is so new, I am not really expecting to win (would love to, but let's be realistic), so this is more an experiment to say... "Hey!  Is anybody out there?"

So dear reader, if you exist and enjoy the Dance Buzz blog or our tweets, give us a shout out and a vote and if you'd like, a comment about the blog.

Commenting is open until December 22.
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